Same Sex Ceremonies

Same Sex Wedding Ceremonies

 same sex wedding ceremonies
Your wedding is as unique and special as you are.  At Your Special Ceremony we offer same sex wedding ceremonies
so you can create that perfect occassion to celebrate your happy day. Everything about the day should reflect your own
personality and individuality, paying particular attention to the actual Ceremony itself. This fantastic day is when you both
have the opportunity to publicly express your love and devotion for each other, making personal vows and creating
special long lasting memories that you will cherish and remember forever.

Working directly with your celebrant, you can create that perfectly personalised event that will bring lasting memories forever.

Ceremony Facts

From the 5th December 2005, gay and lesbian couples began to register at registrars offices across the country their intention to carry out
a civil partnership ceremony. Within the first two months approximately 4,900 have either registered or carried out their ceremony,
with an estimated 10,000 couples intending to marry in the first year alone. In England and Wales couples have been able to legally
marry since March 2014. All couples must adhere to the following requirements:

  • As a same sex couple neither of you must already be married or be a civil partner to anyone else
  • Parental consent is needed if between the ages of 16 and 18
  • You need to give 15 days prior notice of your proposed civil partnerships to the Registration Authority
  • You will need to sign a document in the presence of a registrar and two witnesses

Civil Partnership Act

same sex marriage The Civil Partnership Act applies to all residents within the UK and Northern Ireland. Registering under this
Act will offer gay and lesbian couples similar legal benefits as heterosexual married couples.
For further details on registering, contact your local council or registry office, or visit:
Once you have legally registered your partnership, you will be known as “Civil Partners”. There is no stipulation
that you automatically take your partner’s surname, so if you would like to change your last name you will need
to make changes by deed poll. For further information, please visit

Although there is no requirement to hold a ceremony as such, simply making an appointment to go into
your local registry office and sign the register fulfils the legal requirements.

Making your marriage really special not just official!

Here at Your Special Ceremony we believe it is a golden opportunity to really push the boat out and have the wedding you
have always wanted which until now has only been a dream. Some important elements of the ceremony to consider are:

  • Readings message of love or reflective poems
  • Special Music
  • Vows personal sentiments and commitments
  • Flowers chosen by season or meanings
  • Theme settings venue choice, mood lighting, colours, fabrics etc.

Combined, these key elements of your wedding will reflect the atmosphere and feelings of the day. Whatever type of
ceremony you choose remember just relax and enjoy it.

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